Daniella Freixo de Faria – Psi

Daniella Freixo de Faria – Psi APK

About Daniella Freixo de Faria - Psi

Video app to help parents and educators.

Hello I am a child psychologist and weekly I publish free videos on topics of early childhood education.

Chat with Child is app to help Parents and Educators.

You will be able via the app to access my course for Parents and educators.


There are times in life when we connect with love, when we put ourselves at the service of something greater than ourselves. My work with children came up like this in my life, suddenly without expectation.

After working for two years with adults and noticing the inner child in each of them, I began to dream about the children. The dreams were recurring and began to wake me up at night. In them, I was always very happy, surrounded by children, working with them, playing and learning a new preventive way with them.

From these dreams came my first project and my total passion and commitment to this mission.

In recent years I have been very clear about the gift, the invitation, the call I received to walk this path alongside such wonderful children, fathers and mothers. These are years of growth, hard work, always seeking steps of love, care before, during and after, always seeking to empower parents about this wonderful mission of being the father and mother of a child, this bright encounter that leads everyone to growth. and deep learning.

I appreciate the trust, the partnership and the delivery. We always go ahead - we have a lot to learn together. This is the greatest of all present. Receive my eternal gratitude and love for the wonderful opportunity to learn together and live this rich journey!

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