Madsaz Baby Cry Translator (Pe

Madsaz Baby Cry Translator (Pe APK

About Madsaz

This "madsaz" application is used to identify an infant (0-3 months old) cries

This "madsaz" application is used to translate (identity) an infant (0-3 months old) cries, to make parents understand their baby better. The version of the DBL version that can be recognized by this application, such as: neh means hunger, meanings tiredness, meanings meaningfulness, meanwhile meaningfulness, means of incentive (could be a wet diaper, too hot or not). cold air, on anything else)

There are two languages: IN and EN

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The Madsaz application is the first application in Indonesia that is able to translate the cry of babies aged 0-3 months (universal though different countries, ethnicities and languages) with an accuracy of up to 94%. While for babies aged 4 months and above, it will vary depending on the environment and culture of each.

This application is able to detect five types of baby crying, namely crying:

* "Neh" which means hungry,

* "Owh" means tired which indicates the baby is getting sleepy,

* "Eh" means wanting to belch,

* "Eairh" means getting cold (flatulence),

* "Heh" means the baby feels uncomfortable (it could be because the diaper is wet, the air is too hot or cold, or something else).

The benefits obtained by this application are: new parents who have children can quickly and easily find out the meaning of their baby's crying. This makes parents feel more confident in caring for their babies and by the end of the day, their stress levels decrease significantly. On the other hand, babies are quick to calm down because parents can take appropriate action based on the meaning of their baby's cries. The calmness of mother and child certainly has an impact on the health of both.

This application provides two languages, Indonesian and English. How to use this application is very easy, by pressing the word "REC" (IN) or "RECORD" (EN) when the baby cries. The output / meaning of the baby's cry will be displayed on the HP screen in approximately 20 seconds after the recording process (the button is pink for the classification of the output produced). In addition to displaying the meaning of crying babies, this application will display solutions that can be done by adults to babies in accordance with the classification of crying.


The madsaz application requirements in the PlayStore already exist (read-read first) :). The audio record permission must be selected so that it can make the recording process.

Good luck :) God willing, there will be the latest versions so that the madsaz application is getting ok ...

If you have questions, please contact: [email protected]

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