PC Games Hardware Magazin

PC Games Hardware Magazin APK

About PC Games Hardware

PC Games Hardware - The IT magazine for gamers

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In PC Games Hardware is the leading hardware magazine for Germany's players. Every month can be found on pages 132 cutting-edge testing, in-depth technology products and make informed and entertaining explanations about the current development of the hardware. It covers both PC Games Hardware ultimate high-end hardware and medium-like entry components and allows the reader to build systems for almost all the home-use application fields. Quite often this is the technical resources are down to the last. In the columns graphics cards, processors, infrastructure as well as games and software read in the PC Games Hardware information about the currently relevant for gamers PC components, detailed tuning items to inform you how to get the technically most of your favorite game. Issues such as extreme OC and Case Modding also not be neglected.

At the kiosk PC Games Hardware in this monthly magazine or DVD version. As a buyer of the digital version to get all the content of the magazine, also there are numerous additional, enlargeable photos and all videos of the booklet DVD. The purchase on the magazine free for all platforms. Also note our combined subscription Print + Digital, where you can enjoy the best of both worlds for a small fee.

Note: For objects with media or code Note on the cover they are "not" in the ePaper version.

Contacts: http://www.pcgameshardware.de/Impressum/

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