
Quaestyo APK

About Quaestyo

outdoor puzzle game

Quaestyo is a new generation treasure hunt / escape game, in which you have to solve puzzles using the environment.

You are looking for a pleasant activity, which involves everyone and which appeals to young people, adults and grandparents...in short, everyone! Think of Quaestyo.

Because yes, Quaestyo is a new concept of phygital entertainment, (physical and digital)…Smart to connect the generations between them!

Choose an adventure near you from our catalog of games

Meet with your friends, your colleagues, your family at the starting point of the adventure in your city, or at one of our clients such as the Grand Palais, the Grand Palais Éphémère, the Jean Monnet house, the ADPs or many castles...

A first video starts. And here you are immersed, like in the cinema, in one of the 100 scenarios that we already offer everywhere in France. A story of ghosts, espionage, Templars, trips to Mars, a comedy, or you follow in the footsteps of Malraux at the Grand Palais... there is something for everyone...

To advance in the story, you must solve twenty puzzles as a team that call on the real elements of your environment. You are the real actors of the adventure.

To win, you will need to show sagacity and team spirit in order to complete the mission before the time runs out.

And the most is that beyond the game experience you will have discovered a heritage and many anecdotes about the sites visited and improved your general culture.

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